2010 to 2013 Doctor of Philosophy
Birkbeck College, University of London
2009 to 2010 MA Philosophy
University of Southampton (Distinction)
2003 to 2007 MA (Oxon) Philosophy and Modern Languages (German)
Merton College, University of Oxford
(First Class Honours; awarded Gibbs Prize in Philosophy for best result in subject)
Birkbeck College, University of London
2009 to 2010 MA Philosophy
University of Southampton (Distinction)
2003 to 2007 MA (Oxon) Philosophy and Modern Languages (German)
Merton College, University of Oxford
(First Class Honours; awarded Gibbs Prize in Philosophy for best result in subject)
Courses, conferences and workshops (selected)
ITI German Network Work and Play Shop, Birmingham (organiser and facilitator)
Cardiff Translation Unconference 2024
‘Hybrid careers’, panel discussion hosted by the ITI German Network (speaker and organiser)
Cardiff Translation Unconference 2024
‘Hybrid careers’, panel discussion hosted by the ITI German Network (speaker and organiser)
Anglophoner Tag 2023 ‘The Art of Writing’, Norwich, hosted by the ITI German Network (co-organiser)
Cardiff Translation Unconference 2023
Copyediting 1: Introduction, Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
Cardiff Translation Unconference 2023
Copyediting 1: Introduction, Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
ITI German Network Work and Play Shop, Birmingham (organiser and facilitator)
‘What Can Translators and Interpreters Do about Climate Change?’, webinar, Institute of Translation and Interpreting
‘What Can Translators and Interpreters Do about Climate Change?’, webinar, Institute of Translation and Interpreting
‘Translating Sustainability’, webinar delivered by Abigail Dahlberg, ITI German Network (organiser and facilitator)
‘Environmental Translation and Copywriting: Schreiben für Umwelt, Natur und Nachhaltigkeit’, webinar delivered by Nicole König, ITI German Network (organiser and facilitator)
‘Inclusive Language in German and English’, webinar delivered by Emily Spiers and Sascha Stollhans, ITI German Network (organiser and facilitator)
‘Environmental Translation and Copywriting: Schreiben für Umwelt, Natur und Nachhaltigkeit’, webinar delivered by Nicole König, ITI German Network (organiser and facilitator)
‘Inclusive Language in German and English’, webinar delivered by Emily Spiers and Sascha Stollhans, ITI German Network (organiser and facilitator)
‘Covid-19 for DE–EN and EN–DE Translators: Neologisms, Mutations, “Untranslatables”’, webinar delivered by Ulrike Nichols (EN>DE) and Kate Sotejeff-Wilson, ITI German Network (organiser and facilitator)
‘The Write Stuff’, interactive workshop led by Ros Schwartz
‘The Write Stuff’, interactive workshop led by Ros Schwartz
ITI German Network Work and Play Shop, Bristol (organiser)
Anglophoner Tag 2018 ‘Translating the Arts’, Greifswald, hosted by the CIOL German Society
Proofreading: Mentoring, Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
Proofreading: Mentoring, Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
‘Übersetzen wissenschaftlicher und populärwissenschaftlicher Texte im Sprachenpaar Englisch–Deutsch’, two-day academic translation workshop delivered by Dirk Siepmann, BDÜ
ITI Conference 2017, Cardiff, Institute of Translation and Interpreting
ELIA Conference 2017, Berlin, European Language Industry Association (co-presenter, ‘Seeing the Other Side’)
Proofreading 2: Progress, Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
Mentoring on academic translation, mentor: Michael Loughridge, ITI German Network
ITI Conference 2017, Cardiff, Institute of Translation and Interpreting
ELIA Conference 2017, Berlin, European Language Industry Association (co-presenter, ‘Seeing the Other Side’)
Proofreading 2: Progress, Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
Mentoring on academic translation, mentor: Michael Loughridge, ITI German Network
Mentoring on contract translation, mentor: Alison Layland, ITI German Network
Proofreading 1: Introduction, Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
Proofreading 1: Introduction, Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
ITI German Network Work and Play Shop, Birmingham
Qualified Membership Examination (Translators), Institute of Translation and Interpreting
Qualified Membership Examination (Translators), Institute of Translation and Interpreting
‘Use Your Language, Use Your English’, summer school, Birkbeck College, University of London
In-house traineeship as translator and proofreader, Friedrichs & Friends, Hamburg